Why Join the Chamber?
The benefits of Chamber membership are infinite! There is something for everyone, regardless of your industry or business size. Chamber membership conveys credibility and stability to your customers. Being a member of the Chamber of Commerce will open the door to many contacts that can help your business grow through the power of referrals and networking.
Too busy to participate? Constant referrals and exposure sends business your way without requiring direct action on your part! The Chamber online Directory and website is searched thousands of times a day, offering up more opportunities and exposure for your business.
Benefits you can take advantage of today as a member of the Chamber:
Networking Events
Monthly networking and social events - After Fives are opportunities to promote your business and network with leaders in the business community. Members host After Fives to showcase their business in their own unique setting.
Referrals of Business
More business sent your way! We refer member-only businesses. Your involvement in Chamber membership demonstrates to other businesses and to potential customers that you are committed to supporting the local economy and community. Members establish valuable relationships with one another through lead exchanges and referrals facilitated by Chamber staff, other members, online/print directories and our website.
Representation on Important Business Issues
The Chamber’s advocacy agenda and our ongoing relationships with legislators at the federal level through the Canadian Chamber, the provincial level through the Ontario Chamber and directly to municipal officials locally – we work on your behalf. Members are kept informed of proposed legislation and regulations that can impact their business.
Promotion on the Chamber Website
Upgraded, bold-faced member's listing in the Chamber Business Directory at no extra charge. Includes images, website link and more.
Group Insurance Benefits - Comprehensive group products: life, disability, extended health care, dental, vision and prescription drug packages. View a full listing of benefits here: Chamber Group Insurance
Contact: Jaclyn Gostick Email:
Phone: P: 519-832-2093 or 1-800-376-5350 ext. 406
E-Blast Newsletter - Keep up-to-date on Chamber events, business news, trends and opportunities with our weekly online E-Blast Chamber Chat. Free listing as a new member in the Chamber’s newsletter when you join.
Advocates on your behalf with municipal and other governments - Make recommendations on issues directly affecting you and your business community. As the "voice of business", the Chamber will speak on your behalf.
Community Awards - The Community Awards Presentation encourages excellence by recognizing significant contributions of businesses and individuals to the community. It is a great opportunity to celebrate our local stars.
Chamber Board Room - Don't have your own boardroom? Chamber Members can reserve the Chamber Board Room. Contact the Chamber Office to check availability.
Exclusive Member-to-Member Benefits from local businesses Get deals and discounts from fellow chamber members.
Discounts on Printing - The Chamber provides basic print/fax/scan services to members at a discounted rate. Check with the Chamber Office for pricing.
One-on-One Business Coaching - Let our highly qualified volunteers help you with your business needs, including: Intro to LEAN principles, Basic Cost Management, Root cause Identification and more! Contact the Chamber with you business questions and concerns.
Business Information Centre
The Chamber of Commerce is recognized as the first point of contact for people planning on visiting or relocating to a community. Our staff will refer any business, relocation or visitor inquiries to our members.
Display Opportunities
The Chamber offers its members the opportunity to display their business cards and brochures in the display racks at the office. There is no charge for this service. Also add your event to our Event Boards at the Apple and at the Chamber Office.
Liaison & Benefits with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Being a part of the largest and most powerful business lobby groups gives you a voice in issues that directly affect your livelihood. View some of the benefits that are available to you as a member below: The Canadian Chamber can assist members in improving their bottom line through its various benefit programs. For more information on the benefits of being a Chamber member.