
The eCommerce Assistance Program, funded by the Municipality of Meaford and administered by the Meaford Chamber of Commerce, aims to assist existing commercial retail businesses to develop an eCommerce internet capability that will allow them to sell products and take payments online from their own website.

The Program is designed to help businesses develop an eCommerce website from scratch or modify an existing website to enable eCommerce.  The Program will provide match funding of up to 50% of the development cost to a maximum of $500 (including HST) per individual business. Any additional costs will be entirely the responsibility of the applicant.

The Details

For those without an existing website

The website developer selected by the Meaford Chamber of Commerce has agreed to develop a basic eCommerce website, using either WordPress and its eCommerce application, WooCommerce, or Shopify, for no more than $1,000. Applicants may select more expensive add-ons but the program will provide no more than $500 in match funding.

For those who already have a website but want to add eCommerce capability

The developer has agreed to add eCommerce capability to an existing website for no more than $1,000 total, with the Program paying up to a maximum of $500 in match funding.  Applicants may select more expensive add-ons but the program will provide no more than $500.


Priority will be given to those businesses without an existing internet site and that can demonstrate that the eCommerce Assistance Program will assist them to generate revenue. Successful applicants must maintain the eCommerce internet site/URL for the balance of the 2020 calendar year and will be required to provide the Meaford Chamber of Commerce a data summary, six months after their site is up and running, concerning outcomes in terms of increased or decreased business, sales, and profitability.



Successful applications are required to pay their share of the costs directly to the contracted internet site developer, myFavoriteMarketer.  myFavoriteMarketer will invoice the Meaford Chamber of Commerce for the grant portion once the work has been completed and the internet site or URL has a demonstrable functioning eCommerce capability.

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